Chrome Release Summary

Chrome version: 133, 132, 131, 130, 129, 128, 127, 126, 125, 124, 123, 122, 121, 120, 119, 118, 117, 116, 115, 114, 113, 112, 111, 110, 109, 108, 107, 106, 105, 104, 103, 102, 101, 100, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93, 92, 91, 90, 89, 88, 87, 86, 85, 84, 83, 82, 81, 80, 79, 78, 77, 76, 75, 74, 73, 72, 71, 70, 69, 68, 67, 66, 65, 64, 63, 62, 61, 60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

Chrome 63

Enabled (19) | Origin Trial (0) | Behind a flag (0) | Deprecated (0) | Removed (2)

Enabled by default in 63

This release of Chrome had 19 new features.

Async Iteration / Async Generators

Async Generator functions and a new iteration protocol (used by for-await-of loops and yield* expressions), to streamline consumption or implementation of streaming data sources. #

This feature was specified in this Spec.



No linked samples

CSS 'q' length unit

support 'q' absolute length unit. 1q is equivalent to 1/40th of 1cm. #

This feature was specified in this Spec.




CSS font-variant-east-asian

Add support for font-variant-east-asian and respective mapping for the font: shorthand and the font-variant: shorthand. #

This feature was specified in this Spec.

CSS overscroll-behavior

CSS `overscroll-behavior` allows developers to decide the browser's behavior once a scroller has reached its full extent. The unused delta can be propagated to the parent causing scroll chaining, create a glow/bounce effect without chaining, or just get consumed silently. This would be a standardization of "-ms-scroll-chaining" with some modification. #

This feature was specified in this Spec.




Device Memory JS API

JS API to expose the device Memory to web applications. #

This feature was specified in this Spec.



No linked samples

EventTarget.addEventListener/removeEventListener throws a TypeError

EventTarget.addEventListener/removeEventListener throws a TypeError when the second argument |callback| is neither of EventListener nor Null nor Undefined. Historically Blink had not been reporting a TypeError for the second argument of EventTarget.{add,remove}EventListener, but reports a TypeError since M63. #

This feature was specified in this Spec.

HTMLAllCollection and HTMLCollection's named properties are no longer enumerable

Blink now follows the DOM and HTML specs and declares HTMLAllCollection, HTMLCollection, HTMLFormControlsCollection and HTMLOptionsCollection with the [LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties] extended attribute. Its named properties are no longer marked as enumerable, being left out of calls to e.g. Object.keys() and for-in loops. #

This feature was specified in this Spec.

Interface properties with a Promise type no longer throw exceptions

Interface properties that return a Promise now reject (meaning they'll invoke a catch block) instead of throwing an exception. This has already been done for functions. #

This feature was specified in this Spec.


Intl.PluralRules is a new API which exposes language-dependent data on pluralization forms of numbers. Given a locale and a number, Intl.PluralRules outputs a category, which can then be used for selection of the pluralization form of surrounding text. #

This feature was specified in this Spec.



No linked samples

JavaScript module import()

This JavaScript feature adds a "function-like" import() module loading syntactic form to JavaScript. The existing syntactic forms for importing modules are static declarations. However, it's also desirable to be able to dynamically load parts of a JavaScript application at runtime. #

This feature was specified in this Spec.



No linked samples

Make /deep/ behave like the descendant combinator " " in CSS live profile (in css file or inside of